Foods That Bring Muscle Pain Relief

Bouillon: Before going out on a long bike ride, take some warm soup or a cup of beef or chicken bouillon. This not only help to prevent muscle cramps, it also replaces the sodium lost through sweat.
Epsom salts: Add 2 cups of Epsom salts to your hot bath water helps to ease the pain of your strain. As Epsom salts are high in magnesium, it relieves swelling and promotes the healing of torn muscles as magnesium is absorbed through the skin. But take a 24 hour break before doing so.
Banana: High in potassium, bananas may help to reduce muscle cramps since a potassium deficiency often leads to cramping. One banana has 450mg of nutrients for muscle protection with the American Dietetic Association suggesting taking 2,000mg a day for adults.
Muscle Pain Relief Home Remedies From the Refrigerator
Here are more natural muscle pain relief recipes you might like to try.
Milk: It's common knowledge that milk is high in calcium and is vital for bone and muscle health. 3 glasses of milk a day meets the calcium requirement of most adults, with women being especially in need of plenty of calcium for bone and muscle health.
Water: Essential for replacing body fluids lost through sweat, drinking plenty of water before and after exercise can help to avoid muscle cramps caused by a depletion of much needed fluids. Don't overdo it though, since excessive amounts of water causes an imbalance in the body's level of minerals. Unless you are exercising intensely for longer than an hour, you don't need sports drinks. Stick with plain water.
Muscle Pain Relief Home Remedies From the Spice Rack
Rosemary: Commonly used in cooking, rosemary has healing properties that help reduce swelling in strained muscles. Either fresh or dried rosemary leaves can be used although fresh leaves contain more of the volatile oils. The oils have anti-inflammatory properties that calm inflamed muscle tissue and promote speedy healing for muscle pain relief.
A way to apply rosemary is by soaking a cloth in rosemary wash and pressing it to the skin since rosemary is easily absorbed through skin. To make the rosemary wash, put 1 ounce of rosemary leaves in a 1 pint jar and fill the jar with boiling water. Cover it and let it soak for 30 minutes. Use the rosemary wash 2 or three times a day to get muscle pain relief.
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